Gastronomy with Fun in Pipa Beach
Restaurants in Pipa, Gastronomy in Pipa, Bars in Pipa, everything you need to know about Pipa Beach in a single click.

Lig Peg Pizza and Pastry
Lig Peg is the best pastry in the region.
Childrens - Couple - Family - Friends - Fun - Vegetarian Food
Pipa Cafe
The best coffee in Pipa.
Childrens - Couple - External area - Family - Fun - Sunset - Vegetarian Food
UMI Funkitchen
Extraordinary innovation in gastronomy at Pipa beach.
Couple - Friends - Fun - Sunset
Golfinho Bar e Restaurante
Located on the main street in the center of town, we offer a spacious and pleasant atmosphere with great gastronomic excellence
Couple - Family - Friends - Fun - Sea Shore - Vegetarian Food
Orishas Resto Bar
Bar and Restaurant by the sea. Unforgettable sunset!
Couple - Family - Friends - Fun - Sea Shore - Sunset - Vegetarian Food
Ágora Lounge Bar
Excellent attention for you to have a nice time with good music
Couple - Friends - Fun - Smoking area
Swell Bar & Hamburgueria
Bar and Hamburgers within the Pousada Vivenda do Mar in Tibau do Sul
Couple - Family - Friends - Fun
Bargunça de Vicente
Pool, rock, drinks, petiscos, brochettes and the coldest beer!
Couple - External area - Friends - Fun - Smoking area
Camarão na Fazenda - Barra do Cunhaú
Farm, Day Use and restaurant
Childrens - Couple - External area - Family - Friends - Fun - Vegetarian Food
Creperia Marinas
Creperie on the banks of the Lagoon, with an indescribable view of the sunset
Couple - Family - Friends - Fun - Sea Shore - Sunset - Vegetarian Food
Pier 29
The best sunset in Tibau do Sul - Drinks, Beers, Açaí and Crepes
Couple - External area - Friends - Fun - Sea Shore - Sunset - Vegetarian Food
Mikroponto Bar
Located in the Center of Pipa on the main street and only half a block from the Fisherman's Square.
Couple - Friends - Fun - Smoking area
Amô Restaurante e Tapiocaria
Amô is a restaurant and tapiocaria located in Amor Beach, next to Chapadão.
Childrens - Couple - Family - Friends - Fun - Sea Shore - Vegetarian Food
Birring in Paradise
Come try our drinks, craft beers and enjoy our cozy spaces!
Couple - Friends - Fun - Vegetarian Food
Abacate Casa do Mar
Come and live this experience that is the sunset here at Abacate Casa do Mar!
Couple - External area - Friends - Fun - Sea Shore - Sunset
Taipa Brasil
Bar, Restaurant, Art & Culture
Couple - Family - Friends - Fun - Smoking area - Vegetarian Food
4:20 Beach Bar
Come meet 4:20 Beach bar at Praia do Amor. Enjoy paradise with the best attention
Couple - Friends - Fun - Sea Shore - Sunset - Vegetarian Food
Mirante Sunset Bar
The best sunset in Pipa!
Couple - External area - Family - Friends - Fun - Smoking area - Sunset - Vegetarian Food
Pipa Beach Club
Open every day from 10 AM to 8 PM, to enjoy a good time outdoors.
Couple - Friends - Fun - Sea Shore - Smoking area - Sunset - Vegetarian Food
Muximas Restaurante
Welcome to Muxima's because everything here is "from the heart".
Couple - Friends - Fun