Fest Bossa & Jazz Programming:
On the 30th and 31st of October in Praia da Pipa the Fest Boss & Jazz will take place in Drive in Show format.
If you do not have access to the drive in show, take the opportunity to watch it at home or on your cell phone, as everything will be broadcast live, online, via festbossajazz youtube. Subscribe to the channel and activate notifications www.youtube.com/festbossajazz
Following is the schedule of the Fest Bossa & Jazz shows in Pipa:
October 30, 2020 - Friday
8:00 pm - Dudu Galvão (RN) & Samara Alves (RN)
8:40 pm - Ana Cañas (SP)
9:50 pm - Funkeria (PB)
October 31, 2020 - Saturday
8:00 pm - Mad dogs (RN)
8:40 pm - Khrystal & Liz Rosa (RN)
9:20 pm - Sandra de Sá (RJ)
Fest Bossa & Jazz Drive in Show is sponsored by the State Government of Rio Grande do Norte through the Camara Cascudo and Coca-Cola Law.
Sympla Support, Grupo Dunas, EVS Solar Energy, Michelle Tour, Receptive Luck, G7 Comunicação, Cortez Online and Vivepipa.com