Weekly Capsules with Positive News - 06/02/2020

Weekly Capsules with Positive News - 06/02/2020

Several studies show that reading positive news is good for our physical and mental health, especially in times of pandemic and social isolation.

This is our second good newsletter. We are still looking for information that will brighten your soul. News reports often convey fear and insecurity, we want to keep hope and peace! We are together, soon everything will pass!


Ziraldo, Laerte and more artists donate "smiles" for charity chinstraps

The social project Contagiando Sonrisas, from Curitiba (PR), distributes free, in different regions of Brazil, to essential service workers, cloth masks with patterned smiles. The project brought together more than 20 world-known artists, such as Ziraldo and Laerte Coutinho, who provided one or more illustrations of smiles that became prints. The goal is to protect people by sending a message of positivity, without the feeling of sadness, illness, and fear that is associated with the use of chinstrap during this pandemic.


PE students create recycled paper that turns into a plant after being watered and planted

Two students from Caruaru (PE) developed recycled paper produced from seeds, which, once wet after use, can be planted and turned into flowers, vegetables, and even a real tree. The Paper Plant company is still in its early stages, but has already been selected for awards. The idea gives paper a complete cycle: paper comes from trees and will one day be a tree again.


Anvisa takes the first step to demystify the consumption of Cannabis, according to specialists

In March, Anvisa's resolution that frees the marketing of Cannabis-based products in pharmacies across the country came into effect. The current measure, however, does not extend to production and sale by individuals. And it does not contemplate the planting of Cannabis for medicinal use in the country, therefore, to produce the formula it is necessary to have the plant imported. In practice, this changes the way we understand cannabis today, that is, as a medicine.

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