Mango - Nutrients and ways to integrate in the kitchen
Excellent for summer, the sleeve also ensures a good consistency for chilled desserts, refreshing salads and even a delicious little cheesecake.
The hose is a tropical tree that belongs to the same family as the cashew tree - Anacardiaceae. However, the mango is a fruit native to South and Southeast Asia and, unlike many people believe, the mango tree is not one of our native trees! But it adapted very well to the climate and palate of the Brazilian, being the second most consumed tropical fruit in the world, only losing for the banana.
The fruit varies greatly in size, shape and color, according to the species. It is a source of vitamin A and contains reasonable amounts of vitamin B complex and vitamin C, plus minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and calcium.
According to research, mango appears to accumulate protective effects against some cancers and cardiovascular disease, due to the presence of phenolic compounds, carotenoids, antioxidants and soluble fibers. Research has also shown that phenolic compounds appear to have anti-inflammatory properties and further assist in controlling blood sugar and cholesterol levels along with soluble fiber.
Among the carotenoids of mango, beta-carotene predominates, which turns into vitamin A in the body and protects against infections and degenerations in vision, such as night blindness.
The B vitamins present in the mango (B1, B2 and B6) are important for the production of energy and for the proper functioning of the nervous system.
The vitamins C and E have antioxidant action, which is favorable to the proper functioning of the immune system. Vitamin E also has diuretic properties, which makes it advisable for people who tend to retain fluids in the body.
Thanks to the high amount of iron it contains, the sleeve is still indicated for anemia treatments and is beneficial for pregnant women and during periods of menstruation. People who suffer from cramp, stress and heart problems can benefit from high concentrations of potassium.
Eat mango on foot, priceless! But there are also various ways of cooking in order to delight and enjoy these health benefits.
The mango chutney is an Indian sweet and sour sauce, which accompanies meats or can be eaten with bread. Yogurt whipped in the blender with mango pulp and ice cubes is a delicious and refreshing beverage. Enjoy and use very ripe mangoes, freshly cut, to make juices, as the natural sweetness of the fruit dispenses with the use of additional sugar.
Excellent for summer, the sleeve also ensures a good consistency for cold desserts, refreshing salads and even a delicious little cheese
By Andreia Cristina, MSc in Food and Nutrition - CRN3 / 19360. Text originally published in the Bora Magazine - issue 04 - Feb / Mar 2014

Mango Queijadinha
• 2 cups (tea) of ripe mango pulp;
• 1 cup sugar;
• 150g margarine
• 1 cup of water;
• 1 ½ cup (tea) wheat flour;
• 1 cup (tea) grated coconut;
• 4 eggs
Method of preparation
Put the mango pulp with the sugar and beat until smooth. Add the melted margarine and beat again. Then add the water, add the flour and eggs, one by one, and beat well. Distribute into silicone or aluminum molds greased with margarine. Take the preheated oven to 180ºC until golden brown.