Surf in the Abacateiro
The wave of the Abacateiro is one more of the hidden pearls of our coast.
A fat and extensive right with sessions of tubes and maneuvers that packs up to three different sessions along the bench, depending on the direction of the ripple and the wind. It works from the month of April and can provide good moments until the middle of October.
The ideal ripples are east or east / southeast with wind below 15 knots. The wave begins in the open sea and reaches the shallower bottom of sharp stones, lifts and aligns for an extended stretch of up to 130m of track, running along a high slab with the big stone in the middle of the session. This large stone is the reference point within the sea and can also be a considerable obstacle amid the maneuver.
For many years this wave broke without anyone, then the older and more experienced surfers. In recent times, even young people were not permitted in what is one of the heaviest waves in Pipa. Nowadays it is not uncommon to see people of all ages and all types of boards floating in the line-up. By having the inlet channel far from the peak, this wave requires local knowledge and the flood tide so it can be surfed. Both entrance and exit require extreme care, do not venture alone, appearances deceive and many keels, boards and skin have already been sacrificed on the slab and stones of the Abacateiro.
By Isaac Ache. Text originally published in Revista Bora - issue 06 - Jun / Jul 2014