Why is Pipa Beach, Rio Grande do Norte, the best option for social isolation?

Why is Pipa Beach, Rio Grande do Norte, the best option for social isolation?

Many people know Pipa Beach, in Rio Grande do Norte, as one of the most beautiful destinations in the country. Tourist point in the city of Tibau do Sul, the town is about 85 kilometers from the city of Natal.

Its beautiful landscapes, warm water beaches and tropical climate enchant all who visit it.

However, more than that, this can also be a great option to practice social isolation in a different way during this period. With deserted beaches, great hotels and an enviable gastronomy, it is anyone's dream to distance themselves. After all, if it is about disconnecting from the world, why not do it in a heavenly place?

With all this in mind, here we separate five reasons why you should choose Pipa Beach, in Rio Grande do Norte, as your destination of isolation.

Check it out below!

Paradise beaches and tropical climate

There is no doubt that, when thinking about the Northeast, the first image that will come to mind will be that of the beaches. With crystal clear waters and a perfect temperature for swimming, these are great attractions of the region. Considered one of the most paradisiacal destinations in Rio Grande do Norte, Pipa Beach also offers some interesting differentials.

In addition to all the aforementioned, the place also presents the visitor with large strips of sand and very wide beaches. Therefore, maintaining insulation is much easier and safer. In all the beaches there is also health care, alcohol gel, distancing. This means that, much more than the distance from other tourists, you have the necessary health guarantee for that moment.

Something that makes all the natural beauty of the region even more fantastic is the local climate. With sunshine all year round, here there is almost no concern about days with bad weather, being another positive point for isolation. Instead of spending this period in a chaotic metropolis with gray days, why not opt ​​for the northeastern heat? Regardless of the season chosen, the destination is always indicated!

Wide hotel offer

As one of the main tourist spots in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Pipa Beach offers an excellent hotel structure. Here you can find the most diverse types of accommodation, from rented rooms to extravagant resorts. Without a doubt, there are opportunities for all budgets and tastes.

The small inns are excellent and offer a more personalized service, which is pleasing to many. The most luxurious hotels, in turn, privilege their guests with incredible pools and even spas. Depending on the dates chosen and the negotiation, it is possible to obtain excellent promotional prices on any of these alternatives.

An important point to keep in mind, regardless of the option chosen, is to be careful with the pandemic. In all these possibilities, the concern is great to keep the guests safe. Therefore, there is nothing to worry about, all measures are being taken for your rest. There are large hotels and inns, all focused on the necessary health care.

Wide quality gastronomic offer

When thinking of a destination to achieve social isolation, you need to focus on food. After all, it won't do any good to go to a distant place if you can't find good food there, right? This, then, is shown as a great differential in favor of Pipa Beach.

First, you need to focus on local cuisine, with an emphasis on fish and excellent spices. Seafood also appears frequently on your table, all fresh. But if this is not your favorite dish, no problem. The region offers many options of restaurants of the most diverse gastronomies.

From Italian canteens to coffee shops, from Peruvian ceviches to ice cream parlors, from Hawaiian poke to Argentine meats. The variety in local restaurants is wide and satisfies everyone. With all the prices available, it is possible to eat a different dish every day. All with incredible flavors and at your fingertips.

Health & Wellness

Much more than just maintaining social distance, Pipa Beach, in Rio Grande do Norte, has other benefits. Among them is taking care of your health and well-being, easier to do here. With such a landscape, after all, it is much easier to feel like exercising.

A walk on the beach, water sports or even kayaking or paragliding. In addition to bringing happiness, these activities help build a stronger immune system. And this is, without a doubt, the main objective of those who want to protect themselves from the virus.

Another interesting point is, precisely, the constant presence of sun in the vicinity of the beach. This factor can, of course, give you that tan you want so much. However, more than that, it is a great way to acquire vitamin D, which has been shown to be effective in enhancing the immune system.

Distant refuge

When it comes to social isolation, the despair of being stuck at home already comes to mind. The reality, however, is that this distancing can be done far from your home. More than that, on a paradisiacal beach about 85 kilometers from Natal, what do you think?

With a population of just over 5,000, this is the perfect destination. Without the busy streets of big cities, it is much easier to maintain isolation here. It is the union of the useful and the pleasant, with beautiful landscapes and few people to share them with you.

Now if you are thinking about the local structure, there is nothing to worry about. The city has a hospital and a well-served health system. Therefore, it more than meets the needs of the municipality and its visitors.

Isolate yourself on the Pipa Beach, Rio Grande do Norte!

As you can see from the paragraphs above, dealing with social distancing doesn't necessarily mean staying home alone and bored. You can take this opportunity to disconnect from the world and take care of your physical and mental health. And for that, nothing better than Praia de Pipa, in Rio Grande do Norte.

The heavenly place is known worldwide, and not in vain. Beautiful beaches with crystal clear waters, charming inns and hotels, in addition to the enviable gastronomy. There are many reasons to make this your official distancing destination. All this with the necessary structure to not feel threatened by anything.


So, were you interested in spending your social isolation at Pipa Beach? Check in Vive Pipa what to do here and how to enjoy the destination with due care!

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